Antarctic Legacy Archive

Statistics Report for : National and International Archives

Statistical Report for National and International Archives

Showing Data ( Last Five Years )


Top Downloads for June 2024

Title Creator Publisher Date Count
Antarctic treaty vol. 6 National Archives of South Africa 1962 22
Commonwealth trans-Antarctic expedition vol. 1 National Archives of South Africa 1953 22
Guano Islands: Marion and Prince Edward Islands National Archives of South Africa 1942 22
Commonwealth trans-Antarctic expedition vol. 1 National Archives of South Africa 1953 20
International council for the exploration of the sea with regard to whaling vol. 3 National Archives of South Africa 1935 19
Acceptance of the research station of the Norwegian Government on Queen Maud Land (Antarctica) by the Union government National Archives of South Africa, Pretoria 1959 14
Marion Island Transport Department: major works, part 2 National Archives of South Africa 1955 10
Antarctic treaty meeting vol.7 National Archives of South Africa 1962 9
Fishing Industry vol. 1 National Archives of South Africa 1946 9
Fish and fishing industry vol. 14 National Archives of South Africa 1957 8

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