The Nils Jorgennutane suite, which has been recognised in the Ahlmannryggen by previous authors, is described and discussed. Two major lithologies within the suite are recognised, namely (i) A quartz monzonite to quartz monzodiorite group, which occurs at the type locality and (ii) Granite (sensu stricto) from the Grunehogna area. The monzonitic rocks are shown to be late stage fractionation products of Borgmassivet intrusions, whereas the granites are small-scale products of anatectic melting of wet sediments adjacent to Borgmassivet intrusions. Neither of the two groups warrants status as a separate suite and it is proposed that the use of the term "Nils Jorgennutane suite" be discontinued. A revised definition of the Borgmassivet intrusions is suggested and the formal terms Borgmassivet Suite and Grunehogna Granite are proposed.