Various correspondences re the acceptance and ratification of the Protocol for the regulation of whaling.
Letter from the Commonwealth Relations Office, giving the details of the whaling expeditions operating south of 40 degrees south latitude, 18.2.48.
Protocol for the Regulation of Whaling, 2.12.46.
Letters from the Secretary of Legation to the Secretary for External Affairs entitled: International Whaling Conference, 1946, 5.3.48; International Whaling Conference Agreements, 7.5.48.
Letter from the Sec. of State for Commonwealth Relations to the Minister for Ext. Affairs entitled Japanese Whaling, 7.5.48.
Memorandum entitled Japanese Participation in Whaling.
Protocol amending the International Agreement of 8th June, 1937, and the Protocol of 24th June, 1938, for the Regulation of Whaling.
Letters from the Sec. for commerce & Industries entitled: Inspection of Whale Meat for Human Consumption, 25.11.48; International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling: Proposed Conditional Ratification by Denmark, 11.2.49.
Press releases:
Proclamation regarding the entry into Force of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, 26.11.48 + Migratory Habits of Whales to be Studies, 21.3.49.
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, with Annexes, 2.12.46.
International Whaling Commission: Note on Finance + Proposed Agenda for the 1st Meeting + Draft Rules of Procedure; Representation and Voting + First Meeting in London: Conservation and Maintenance of Whale Stocks + Final List of Resolutions passed by the Commission + Observers, Commissioners, Experts and Advisers attending the 1st Meeting, May 30th – June 7th, 1949 + Report by Chairman of the 1st Meeting.
Memorandum on the Inspection of Whales and the Conditions to be Observed on Floating Factories and Auxiliary Vessels and at Land Stations in the Preparation, Classification, Marking, Storage and Transport of Whalemeat and Whalemeat Products (other than Whale Oil, Vitamin Concentrates and Pharmaceutical Products) intended for Sale for Human Consumption in the United Kingdom, being the Conditions subject to which a Veterinary Certificate will be issued pursuant to the Food and Drugs (Whalemeat) Regulations, 1949.
The Food and Drugs (Whalemeat) Regulations, 1949 + Memo on a System of Inspection and Hygiene of Whalemeat Production.
Pages are out of order. Manuscript notes on several documents. Contains duplicates.