The oceans are changing under pressure of global changes, such as increase in temperature, sea-ice melt, stratification, acidification or pollutants. The microorganisms will mostly adapt to it. However, environmental pressure will result in shifts in community composition and thus in biogeochemical fluxes, including the export of carbon, essential for an efficient drawdown of atmospheric CO2. We investigate the key role of metal bioavailability in the control of microorganisms in the Southern Ocean, one of the world's most important potential sinks for anthropogenic CO2. In turn, we support interpretation of the striking patterns in the regional, vertical, and temporal distribution of essential micronutrients, including, but not limited to iron. This presentation will show the outcome of the team’s effort of the past 5 years and highlight the plans for the coming years. - Abstract as displayed in the - Abstract booklet. The presentation on the day may differ from the - Abstract.