BLO 285 PS 16/2(5) 1 folder, 577 pages. Pages are out of order. Some documents are hard to read. Contains duplicates. Manuscript notes and documents.
Letter from the Secretary for External Affairs entitled “Determination of the Union’s Recognition or Non-recognition of Norwegian and Other Territorial Claims in Antarctica”, 9.1.61.
Draft Working Paper: Item 15 of Provisional Agenda of Canberra Meeting: The Exchange of Information and Advice Relating to the Application of Nuclear Energy in the Treaty Area”.
Letters from the Minister to the Sec. for Ext. Affairs entitled: “Disposal of Radioactive Waste in Antarctica”, 26.11.60; “Nuclear Energy and Antarctica”, 14.1.61; “Antarctica: Jurisdiction”, 9.2.61; “The Argentinean President’s Visit to Antarctica”, 29.3.61; “Antarctica: Draft Working Paper on Agenda Item 18: Canberra Meeting”, 23.6.61; “Accession of Poland to the Antarctic Treaty”, 15.3.62; “Second Consultative Meeting of Antarctic Treaty Powers: Relations with SCAR and Administrative Arrangements”, 10.7.62.
U.S. Press Release entitled “Kennedy Statement on Antarctic Treaty”, 26.6.61; “Second Consultative Meeting of Antarctic Treaty powers, Buenos Aires”, 27.4.62.
Antarctic Treaty: First Consultative Meeting – Canberra, July, 1961.
Letters from the Sec. for Ext. Affairs to the S.A. Ambassador entitled: “Preliminary Meeting, Buenos Aires, 28th February, 1962, to discuss arrangements for Second Consultative Meeting of Antarctic Treaty Powers”, 26.2.62; “Exchange of Publications on Antarctica”, 20.3.62; “Antarctica: Proposed Meeting of Experts on Radio Communications”, 23.5.62; “Reports on Antarctica”, 29.5.62; “Attendance of Observers at Consultative Meetings of the Antarctic Treaty Powers”, 4.6.62; “Date of Third Consultative Meeting”, 9.1.63; “Exchange of Information under Article VII paragraph 5 of the Antarctica Treaty”, 1.12.62.
Report on Soviet Activities in Antarctica, 1961-62 Season”.
Summary of World Broadcasts. Part 1. The USSR. 16.2.62.
Letter to the Sec. for Transport entitled “Proposed Antarctic Telecommunications Meeting and Representation at Consultative Meetings of the Antarctic Treaty Powers”, 19.4.62.
Note on the Antarctica Jurisdiction Bill.
Draft Convention of Wild Life in the Antarctic.
Letter from the Ambassador to the Sec. for Ext. Affairs entitled “Agenda for the Second Consultative Meeting of Antarctic Treaty Powers”, 17.5.62.
Act to apply the laws of the Republic, and to make provision for the administration of justice, with reference to South Africa, 21.5.62.
Memorandum by Australia: Second Antarctic Consultative Meeting.
Argentine Recommendations for the 2nd Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting.
Draft Convention on the Conservation of Wild life in the Antarctic.
Memorandum by United Kingdom: Second Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting: Provisional Agenda Item No. 8.
2nd Consultative Meeting: Explanatory Note from the U.S.S.R.: Provisional Agenda Item No. 6: Measures to ensure the exchange of results and data concerning scientific observations carried out in the Antarctic.
Draft Resolutions on: Measures for the Protection and Conservation of Living Resources and Interchange of Information in this Connection; Questions relating to the Exercise of Jurisdiction in the Antarctic + Explanatory Memorandum; Approval of the Rules of Procedure.
Memoranda on the Administrative Facilities for the Introduction and Removal of Scientific Samples, Specimens and Instruments and Interchange of Information on the fulfilment of planned Antarctic Activities.
Minutes of the 2nd Consultative Meeting of the Antarctic Treaty Powers: Buenos Aires, 18th July to 28th July, 1962.
Letter from the Chargé d’Affaires to the Se. for Ext. Affairs entitled “Antarctic Treaty: Participation of Czecho-Slovakia in Consultative Meetings”, 11.4.62.
2nd Consultative Meeting: Agenda Items 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17.
Letter from the Sec. for Foreign Affairs entitled “Preliminary Meeting to discuss Antarctic Matters: Brussels, 7th March, 1963”, 22.2.63.
Newspaper clippings:
“Soviet Airmen Fly Sick Australian to United States Antarctic Base”, Soviet News, 8.1.62 + “’Ob’ Reaches Queen Maud Land”, Soviet News, 2.1.62 + “Antarctica – Prototype of World without Enmity”, Soviet News, 9.1.62 + “Antarctic Explorers’ Trek into Interior”, Soviet News, 4.1.62 + “Antarctic Explorers Complete 1,000-mile Trek”, Soviet News, 18.1.62 + “’Ob’ Begins Unloading at Mirny Station”, Soviet News, 24.1.62 + “Two Soviet Airliners Complete Flight from Moscow to Antarctica and Back”, Soviet News, 5.2.62.
Résumé of meetings of the Antarctic Interim Group held on:
January 31st, 1961 + February 28th, 1961 + March 14th, 1961 + March 28th, 1961 + April 11th, 1961 + April 26th, 1961 + May 4th, 1961 + May 16th, 1961 + June 1st, 1961 + June 9th, 1961 + June 20th, 1961.