Situated some I 600 km south-east of Cape Town, the Prince Edward islands are isolated by the
vast, inhospi table sou them Indian Ocean. South Africa not only cxcrctses undisputed sovereignty
over the two Islands (Marion and Prince Edward) of the group, but is also responsible f'or their
environmental well-being and for that of the sunounding Exclustve Economic Zone. Such
responsibility carries with it the need to both under stand and protect the biogeographic and
biotic features which make the Islands unique. Thismanagement Plan attempts to ensure that the
necessary protection is afforded to the Islands' fragile ecosystems, within the
context of both national and international legal obligations, whi!c facilitating the scientific
research necessary:
to underpin its effective implementation. The Plan constitutes a milestone in that it is attached
to the first proclamation of a Special Nature Reserve under the Environment Conservation Act (Act
No 73 of !989). It therefore provides a "test case" for the practicalities associated with the
conservatory thrust of Special Nature Reserves in the promotion orthe scientifically-based
protection of unique and fragile biomes. We hope that with sensible modification with time, this
Management Plan will constitute an Important link in growing
international efforts to protect the more remote areas oft he world from wanton environmental
degradation and to ensure their on-going health as a source of genetic diversity for the future.
The Prince Edward Islands Management Plan ts by no means complete. nor can it be. However, it
provides a framework to address conservation Issues as they arise and a sound basis for the
management of these Islands.