The strategy starts by illustrating key aspects of South Africa’s context in relation to the Antarctic complex.
The historical context takes us from our earliest engagement to the present time, in a democratic South
Africa that requires a deliberate policy aimed at directing the country’s priorities. It then deals with the
extent of South Africa’s investment in the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP), including
that made in the democratic era. To this day South Africa is the only African country active in Antarctica.
The Strategy outlines South Africa’s strategic national interests, articulates a national vision for our
engagement in Antarctica and the Southern Oceans, and describes specific national strategic objectives.
An overarching goal statement links the vision, the objectives of the Antarctic Treaties Act (1996) and the
objectives of this strategy. The objectives support the realisation of the vision and goal by providing the
basis for conceiving and generating an implementable action plan.
The strategy is responsive to and aligned with the sustainable development goals (SGDs), and the National
Development Plan (NDP).