Antarctic Legacy Archive

Active layer and permafrost monitoring in Western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica

Show simple item record Meiklejohn, K.I.
dc.coverage.spatial Western Dronning Maud Land
dc.coverage.spatial Antarctica 2021-03-05T15:52:43Z 2021-03-05T15:52:43Z 18-Aug 18-Aug
dc.description.abstract Since the International Polar Year in 2007 and 2008, the active-layer and permafrost thermal regimes in accessible parts of Western Dronning Maud Land have been monitored as part of the international efforts in the northern and southern Polar Regions. Data recorded has contributed to the Antarctic Permafrost and Soils group of SCAR and the International Permafrost Association (IPA., as well as the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost (GTN-P.. An initial evaluation of temperatures was conducted in 2010 by Vieira et al., followed by an active-layer synopsis (Hrbá?ek et al. 2018. and an evaluation of permafrost temperature trends over the last decade (Biskaborn et al. Subm... While measurements from Antarctica are sparse, the relatively short period of monitoring in the Ahlmannryggen and Jutulsessen show that permafrost temperatures are increasing and that the active-layer is thickening. The results of this study are in line with a global analysis that shows Antarctic Permafrost warming at 0.37±0.1°C.dec-1 and global Permafrost at 0.31±0.1°C.dec-1 (Biskabon et al. subm.. It is not immediately clear if the observed trends represent short-term variations, or if they signify long-term warming. However, when considered together with ice-mass balance studies and sea-ice trends, it is most likely that the trends observed from borehole data in Western Dronning Maud Land are part of a content-wide warming that represents a global warning system. - Abstract as displayed in the - Abstract booklet. The presentation on the day may differ from the - Abstract. en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship Sponsored by the the Department of Science and Innovation(DSI) through National Research Foundation (NRF) - South Africa en_ZA
dc.description.statementofresponsibility Antarctic Legacy of South Africa en_ZA
dc.format PDF en_ZA
dc.language English en_ZA
dc.language.iso en_ZA en_ZA
dc.publisher South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP. en_ZA
dc.relation SANAP Symposium 2018 en_ZA
dc.rights Copyright en_ZA
dc.rights Copyright en_ZA
dc.subject Research en_ZA
dc.subject Science en_ZA
dc.subject Meetings en_ZA
dc.subject Symposium en_ZA
dc.subject SANAP Symposium 2018 en_ZA
dc.subject Earth Systems en_ZA
dc.subject Terrestrial Science en_ZA
dc.subject Western Dronning Maud Land en_ZA
dc.subject Antarctica en_ZA
dc.subject Geography en_ZA
dc.subject Active Layer en_ZA
dc.subject Permafrost en_ZA
dc.subject International Polar Year en_ZA
dc.subject Permafrost Temperatures en_ZA
dc.subject Antarctic Permafrost en_ZA
dc.subject Global Permafrost en_ZA
dc.subject Global Warming en_ZA
dc.title Active layer and permafrost monitoring in Western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica en_ZA
dc.type Abstracts en_ZA
dc.rights.holder Antarctic Legacy of South Africa en_ZA
dc.rights.holder Meiklejohn, K.I. en_ZA
iso19115.mdconstraints.uselimitation This item and the content of this website are subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder. en_ZA
iso19115.mddistributor.distributorcontact South African National Antarctic Programme -SANAP. en_ZA PDF en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.deliverypoint Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Faculty of Science, Private Bag X1, Matieland. Stellenbosch. South Africa. en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.electronicmailaddress en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.organizationname Rhodes University en_ZA

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