Antarctic Legacy Archive

Antarctic research and expeditions vol. 19

Show simple item record Department of Foreign Affairs-Secretary of Foreign Affairs enZA 2020-10-30T12:02:50Z 2020-10-30T12:02:50Z 1960 1960 1960
dc.description.abstract BTS 102/2(19) 1 folder, 214 pages. Pages are out of order. Manuscript notes and documents. Some documents are hard to read. Report of the Japanese Antarctic Expedition: Annual Visit of S.S. Soya to Cape Town: Dec. 1961 and Feb/Mar. 1962. U.S. Antarctic Projects Officer, Bulletin, Vol. III, No. 7, Mar. 1962. Letter from the Scientific Advisory Committee to SANCAR to the Chairman of the S.A. National Committee for Antarctic Research titled ‘Estimates for Antarctic Activities: 5 Year Perios Apr. 1963 – Mar. 1968. Press Release by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission: 29 Jun. 1962, ‘AEC Completes Arrangements For Antarctic power Reactor’. 2 Oct. 1962, ‘AEC Cancels Contract For Nuclear Power Plant in Antarctic’. Minutes of the 4th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee to SANCAR, 11 Jun. 1962. Report on Planned U.S. Antarctic Research Activities, 1961, Submitted to the Special Committee on Antarctic Research in Jul. 1960. Note from the South African Embassy’s in Argentina (20 Sep. 1962) and Washington D.C. (26 Sep. 1962) to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs informing him that the Argentine and U.S. Govt’s. have invited the R.S.A. to nominate an observer to take part in their Antarctic Expeditions over the coming summer, and reply from the President of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs (15 Oct. 1962) stating he does not believe that it will be possible to send an observer for the U.S. exchange of observer programme. Letter from George Dufek to the Ambassador of South Africa at Washington D.C., 17 Oct. 1962, inviting South Africa to participate in ‘The International Antarctic Exhibition’ being arranged by the Mariners Museum and a reply (19 Oct. 1962) stating that a selection of photos will be made available for display. Press Releases from the Australian Department of External Affairs, re. the progress of their Antarctic Expedition. Letter from the Ambassador at Washington D.C. to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 23 Nov. 1962, informing him that the U.S. will send Mr. George Baggley as an observer to accompany the S.A. Expedition to Antarctica. Letter from the South African Ambassador in London to the Secretary for External Affairs, 29 Nov. 1962, titled ;Russiese Bedrywighede in Antarktika’. Letter from the South African Ambassador in Berne to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 13 Dec. 1962, ‘Switzerland and the Antarctic’. Letter from the Ambassador in Brussels to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 4 Jan. 1963, ‘Antarctica and Belgium’. Report on Symposium on Antarctic Biology held in Paris, 2-8 Sep. 1962, by R.A. Dyer of the Botanical Research Institute. Letter from the South African Ambassador in Brussels to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 26 Feb. 1963 and 19 Mar. 1963, re. ‘Proposed Belgian Expedition to Antarctic in 1964’. Letter from the South African Ambassador in London to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 6 Mar. 1963, titled ‘Russiese Bedrywighede in Antarktika’. Antarctic Treaty Meeting on Radio Communication: Proposed Ruled of Procedure, held on 24-28 June, 1963. Copy, in French, of the latest Bulletin of the Société des Explorateurs et Polaires Suisses which gives some particulars of the proposed Swiss Antarctic Expedition 1963/1965. Letter from the Secretary for Foreign Affairs to the South African Ambassador in Brussels, 16 Apr. 1963, re. Proposed Benelux Expedition to Antarctica in 1964. Letter from the South African Embassy in Buenos Aires to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 30 Apr. 1963, re. Chilean Activities in Antarctica During Summer 1962/63. Letter from the South African Embassy in Canberra to the Secretary for Foreign Affairs,, 21 May 1963, re. Proposed Benelux Expedition to the Antarctica. Correspondence between the South African Embassy and the Department of State in Washington regarding a reciprocal Invitation from the U.S.A. to South Africa to send a Representative on Expeditions to Antarctica, 5 Jul. 1963. Article from the “Journal de Geneve”, 24 May 1963, ‘L’opinion (pessimiste) d’un géologue’. Note from the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria about the establishment of a long range air to ground communications link between South Africa and the U.S. Antarctic Base at McMurdo, 29 Jul. 1963. en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship Sponsored by the Department of Science and Innovation(DSI) through the National Research Foundation (South Africa) en_ZA
dc.description.statementofresponsibility Antarctic Legacy of South Africa en_ZA
dc.format PDF en_ZA
dc.language English en_ZA
dc.language.iso en_ZA en_ZA
dc.publisher National Archives of South Africa en_ZA
dc.rights Copyright en_ZA
dc.subject Governance en_ZA
dc.title Antarctic research and expeditions vol. 19 en_ZA
dc.type Documents en_ZA
dc.rights.holder National Archives of South Africa en_ZA
iso19115.mdconstraints.uselimitation This item and the content of this website are subject to copyright protection. Reproduction of the content, or any part of it, other than for research, academic or non-commercial use is prohibited without prior consent from the copyright holder. en_ZA Folder wit Files en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.deliverypoint Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Faculty of Science, Private Bag X1, Matieland. Stellenbosch. en_ZA
iso19115.mdidentification.electronicmailaddress en_ZA

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